Jan 29, 2021 | Devotional | 0 comments

Ekgim daily devotion. Greetings of peace to you beloved family of God.

📖Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith… (see all of Hebrews 12:1-3).📖
✅In a world of distractions, interruptions, too many options, and too many demands, your ability to FOCUS is crucial for success and happiness. “You will never reach your destination if you stop and throw stones at every dog that  barks.” Winston Churchill
“If you chase two rabbits, both will escape.”  therefore having a focus on the goal is important.

There are some benefits that come from FOCUS, and below are some:-
✅What you focus on expands.
It expands in importance, quantity, and quality. What you notice is what you attend to. Attention to something means a greater engagement. You give more energy to your area of focus. That is always a good thing.This is why we send this devotion daily from Monday to Friday. We want to help you focus all week long on God’s word . That focus will help expand your engagement with that part of God’s Word you read every day.
✅What you focus on, you experience.
Seriously! Think about how much life we are missing. I am as guilty as the person reading this . The number one source of distraction now, is the little thing called your cell phone. We are on them all the time. ALL THE TIME! We are on them when we are doing other stuff. When you are using your phone while you are doing other stuff, you are not focused on the other stuff. You have moved to a sideline experience. You are now focused on whatever is on your phone. Focus on the experience so you actually experience the experience.
✅What you focus on, you enjoy.
Here is an old saying: “The grass is always greener on the other side.” Except for when you get there and you discover it isn’t! Focus on your own grass. Your job. Your friendship. Your calling, your ministry, your marriage , in the moment experience that is taking place. Enjoy the moment God has given you. You will find that as you live in and enjoy the current moment you find joy, contentment, satisfaction … and you don’t even notice the other yard.
A few final questions are worth asking:
• So what are you focused on?
• How well are you focusing on it?
• Why are you focused on this?
• Is it worthy of your focus?
✍When you are focused,  you  FOLLOW ONE COURSE UNTIL YOU’RE SUCCESSFUL. May you be successful this year as you remain focused unto God, who is the source of everything in Jesus Name. Amen!🙏🙏🙏

By Apostle Gift Sira.


Tél. / WhatsApp :(+233507564693) Facebook: gftsira@yahoo.com/ekgim_org@yahoo.com
Website: www.ekgim.org

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