Apr 30, 2020 | Devotional | 0 comments

Shalom beloved family of God. Here is the word for today.

📖Job 22:29 “When men are cast down, then thou shalt say, There is lifting up.📖

✅When God holds you fast, your case becomes different. Your case being different simply means that you don’t necessarily have to experience the negative things others experienced or are experiencing around you.

âś…The truth is, it is not compulsory for you to suffer what your father or mother suffered. It is true that everybody is living in the same world, but it is not true that everyone must have the same experience of life or in life .

âś… We are in a generation where the systems of the world seem to be failing rapidly; we can all see in this case of Coronavirus. Lack is seemingly escalating on the earth.There is also degeneration in health due to strange diseases causing premature death. But the good news is, your case is different.

âś…For the children of God, the season of collapse for the world is our season of flourishing ; the period of scarcity for the world is the period of abundance for the children of God. Job experienced high life, law life and highest life, he testifies that his end was better than his beginning and Isaac in severe famine sowed and harvested a hundred fold why? Because Job and Isaac their case were different (Job 22:29, Genesis 26:1-3, 12-14).


My counsel is:
✍Camp with God. Nothing makes your case different like association with the Almighty God, who turns people’s cases .
✍No matter what happens around you, never fear or loose your confidence in God. Know that your case is different.
✍ Remain under the shadow of the Almighty, fight whatever attempts to fight and pull your relationship or association with God down.


✍Lord, we connect to the power to sail through what sink others. What befall others shall not befall you . I declare that your case shall be different , when others are cast down, for you shall experience a lifting in Jesus’ Name. AMEN 🙏🙏🙏


By Apostle Gift Sira.


Tél. / WhatsApp : (+225) 57169520 /(+225) 03 81 39 05. Facebook: gftsira@yahoo.com/ekgim_org@yahoo.com
Website: www.ekgim.org

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