Feb 8, 2021 | Devotional | 0 comments

Ekgim daily devotion. Greetings of peace to you beloved family of God.

📖Hebrews 12:15 “Be careful that no one fails to receive God’s grace.”(NCV)📖
How do you learn to “R.E.L.A.X.” in the liberating grace of God?
✅R—Realize nobody’s perfect.
Psalm 119:96 is a verse directed toward God, and it declares, “Nothing is perfect except your words” (TLB). The Greek word for “perfect” (teleios) in the Bible means “finished, brought to completion, mature, full of virtue. According to the above definition, who really can claim he/she has attained complete perfection.?  Perfection is God’s divine nature, and we are supposed to be partakers of it, but it comes gradually through a process of continuous studying and obeying God’s word.
âś…What society tells you isn’t perfect. What popular opinion tells you isn’t perfect. What you learned growing up isn’t perfect. But God’s Word is perfect. When you get in the Bible and build your life on it, you will have a perfect foundation. Psalm 19:7-10 “God’s Word is perfect in every way; how it revives our souls! His laws lead us to truth, and his ways change the simple into wise. His teachings make us joyful and radiate his light; his precepts are so pure! His commands, how they challenge us to keep close to his heart! The revelation-light of his word makes my spirit shine radiant. Every one of the Lord’s commands is right; following them brings cheer. Nothing he says ever needs to be changed. The rarest treasures of life are found in his truth. That’s why I prize God’s word like others prize the finest gold. Nothing brings the soul such sweetness as seeking his living words” (TPT). May
the Holy spirit help us in this area in Jesus Name. Amen🙏🙏🙏


By Apostle Gift Sira.



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