Mar 9, 2021 | Devotional | 0 comments

Ekgim daily devotion. Greetings of peace to you beloved family of God.

🔹️The Lord Is your Inheritance🔹️
📖Joshua 13:32-33 “These are the territories which Moses apportioned for an inheritance in the plains of Moab, beyond the Jordan at Jericho to the east. But to the tribe of Levi, Moses did not give an inheritance; the LORD, the God of Israel, is their inheritance, as He had promised to them.” (NASB)📖
✍Today’s verse comes at the end of the 13th book of Joshua, where the division of the land of Moab between the tribes of Israel is chronicled. A similar refrain appears in the middle of the chapter, where it is recorded that the offerings were also the Levites’ inheritance; and again in 14:4. But I was most drawn to this verse because it’s so stark – at the end of basically a laundry list of what each tribe received out of the “early conquests” of Israel, the Levites were given no land. This was promised by the Lord in Deuteronomy 18:2,”They shall have no inheritance among their brothers; the Lord is their inheritance, as he promised them.” (ESV)
✍I want you to put yourself in the shoes of the Levites at this juncture, you might feel like the Levite – people around you are getting rewards, getting ahead in life, getting things tangible for their efforts, for their striving – and you, being faithful to the Lord, serving Him and His Kingdom and doing the things of the Lord,  and working hard in that organisation, but no tangible reward. And “all you have” is the Lord, or people telling you that “don’t worry, the Lord is your inheritance”. As you feel like your material wants or needs aren’t being taken care of, and you’re falling behind on the grand scale of life, at this point, please read 1 Peter 1:3-7.
✍The truth is, we can be remarkably shortsighted on this Earth: Land can be lost. Wealth can be dissipated. Material things fade away. Indeed, while Israel has finally returned to its promised home in Jerusalem, it was not theirs till the land which had been given to the tribes of Israel was, converted and divided. Any thing can be made redundant with the passage of time. But the Lord? He is eternal – He is before time and will last long after this Earth has stopped spinning. He cannot be bought or sold. He created the heavens and the realms with a single pronouncement. He never loses value. He cannot be dissipated. He The Alpha and Omega . He is Lord Almighty – and He promises Himself to us as our inheritance. Why is He our inheritance? Because we are now kings and priests under the new covenant of grace (Revelations 1:6, 1 Peter 2:9) – but more relevantly, while the Levites of old were the only ones who could enter the temple (2 Chronicles 23:6) in the Old Testament; today, we all can enter into His presence with thanksgiving). This isn’t to say the Lord doesn’t care for your material needs – but the Lord gave the Levites the very best, imperishable inheritance in return for their work – and the source of everything else in this life and the life to come. This inheritance is the highest form of inheritance and yet the base of all other inheritances that are good and needful – and even our wants, as Psalm 23:1 tells us!
✍Despite what you may be going through, what you feel, what hurt you are walking through, I want you to know that when the Lord says He is your inheritance, it counts for more than mere talk – it means that He is walking through the valley with you, He is there for you in a personal way, and He is holding you in His Almighty Hand. You may not feel it, but He is yours – and because He has promised Himself as your inheritance (and that which is incorruptible too), He cannot fade away and He is YOURS in a very personal way Helelujjah. Amen🙏🙏🙏


By Apostle Gift Sira.



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