Jan 26, 2024 | Devotional | 0 comments

Grace and peace to you. Here is the word for today.

📖 Proverbs 11:27″ If your goals are good, you’ll be respected” (GNT); Proverbs 16:9“We should make plans, counting on God to direct us” TLB)
Another step you have to take in setting goals you will reach is:
↪ Always demonstrate the desire in prayer.
✍When you pray for your goals, it does two things. First, it reveals the desire. Often, God delays a goal you are working toward to see how badly you want it and distinguish it from a whim.
Second, it shows your dependence in God. It demonstrates to others that you’re placing your trust in God to accomplish the goal. Eliezer prayed continuously throughout this entire process. He prayed before he went on the trip to find Isaac’s wife (v. 12). He prayed after he arrived (v. 15). He prayed in front of the family of the girl (v. 52). He’s constantly bathing his goals in prayers. That’s how all Christians should engage their goals.
✍By engaging in prayer, you connect with your inner selves, gaining clarity about your values, passions, and life purpose. This clarity helps you to align your goals with your core beliefs and values, leading to a greater sense of direction and focus. Praying to achieve goals is important because it is a way of communicating with God about your future. When you pray, you are asking for guidance, strength, and wisdom in your daily decisions.
✍When you pray with intention and focus, being submitted to God’s will, you are opening yourself up to the possibility of achieving your goals. Prayer can also help you to stay motivated and focused on your goals. God gives you strength when you are feeling weak, and provides you with wisdom when you need it. Prayer is a powerful tool that can help you to achieve yours goals. Pray for strength and wisdom. Ask God to give you the strength to pursue your goals and the wisdom to know which goals are worth pursuing and line up with His will for your life. Pray for courage. Pursuing goals can be scary, especially if they are ambitious goals. Pray for the courage to take risks and to step out in faith. Pray for perseverance. Pursuing goals can be difficult, and it’s easy to get discouraged. Pray for the perseverance to keep going even when the going gets tough.
✍Pray for focus. It’s easy to get sidetracked when pursuing goals. Pray for the focus to stay on track and to not get distracted by things that are not related to your goals. Pray for self-discipline. Pursuing goals requires self-discipline. Pray for the self-discipline to stay motivated and to stick to your goals. Pray for God’s blessing. Pursuing goals is a lot easier when God is blessing your efforts. Pray for God’s blessing on your goals and on your efforts to achieve them. Pray for the right perspective. Setting goals and pursing them means we need to be aligned with God’s will and have the right mindset. May the Lord answer your prayers for the goals you have set for this year in Jesus’s Name.
By Apostle Gift Sira .
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