May 21, 2021 | Devotional | 0 comments

Ekgim daily devotion. Greetings of peace to you beloved family of God.

đź“–Read Genesis 22: 9-14 đź“–
🔹️Another way of of accessing the blessing of supernatural supplies is THROUGH  SACRIFICIAL GIVING.
✍Sacrificial giving is the act of love to show God how important He is in your life. Sacrificial giving is a painful act of stretching our faith giving beyond our means. If your giving to the Lord does not hurt, or infringe upon the comfort level of your lifestyle, then it’s not sacrificial.
✍Sacrificial giving is an unusual, uncommon, excellent, outstanding, painful and extra ordinary giving that cost you much in order to attract the attention of God towards your life. ( 1kings 3:3-5)
🔹️You tap into generational blessing. Every time you give a Sacrificial blessing, you keep a generational blessing and also the connected. (Genesis 22:18). Abraham was incredibly blessed with abundant wealth (Gen.13:2) because of the act of sacrificial giving that he was painfully willing to demonstrate by sacrificing his only son.
🔹️You experience the JEHOVAH-JIREH grace. ( Gen. 22:13). The Lord provides miraculously to meet your needs.
🔹️Greatness becomes your identity. (Gen. 12:2NIV; Gen 15:1NLT). Sacrifice is the foundation of every power. There is no greatness without sacrifice. God made Abraham great.
🔹️Sacrificial giving destroys or takes away the deverstating situations or plans against your life and future by accessing divine protection, preservation and intervention. (I Chronicles 21:22-25)
🔹️You obtain Heavenly recognition, (Matthew 26:6-13, Mark 12:41-44) and Devine Providence where you become  relevant to God and your generation ( Genesis 12:2-3)
🔹️You experience all round family blessing. Every time you sacrifice, you tell God to step into your family. (Genesis 12:7
🤔NOTE: Whatever you have that cannot change your situation is A SEED. So when you sow it sacrificially, it yields results of abundance. If God has spoken to your heart, I invite you to step out in faith and make the commitment to be faithful with your resources . God might have spoken to your heart about your ability to give generously and graciously towards God’s work, I encourage you to be obedient to the leading of the spirit, trust in God and you will be surprised as He meets all your needs according to his riches in Christ Jesus. Amen !


By Apostle Gift Sira.




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