May 19, 2021 | Devotional | 0 comments

Ekgim daily devotion. Greetings of peace to you beloved family of God.

📖  The purpose of tithing is to teach you always to put God first in your lives.” (Deuteronomy 14:23b TLB)
đŸ”čAnother key of accessing the blessing of supernatural supplies is  APPLYING THE PRINCIPLE OF TITHING.
✍Tithing is a commandment from the Lord to give one-tenth of all our increase from agricultural produce and income. This can be done seasonally if it’s agricultural produce and if it’s income (Finance) can be done weekly or monthly.
Whatever you want God to bless, you have to put Him first in it. So if you want God to bless your finances, and agricultural produce, you have to put Him first.
✍The principle of tithing is that you give the first 10 percent of your income or agricultural produce back to God. This  principle works for whoever applies it. Below are some verses that explain the promise, the purpose, the place, and the day for tithing. First, Proverbs 3:9-10 gives the promise about tithing: “Honor the Lord by giving him the first part of all your income, and he will fill your barns with wheat and barley and overflow your wine vats with the finest wines” (TLB). God says that if you honor Him with the first part of your income or agricultural produce, He will bless you abundantly. It all comes from God in the first place,  so you desire His blessing on the rest of it.
✍Why does God tell us to tithe? Deuteronomy 14:23 says, “The purpose of tithing is to teach you always to put God first in your life.” God doesn’t need your money or agricultural produce, but He wants what it represents — your heart. He wants you to trust him.
✍Where should you tithe? In the temple or where they feed you spiritually. Tithing is an act of worship. It goes to God.
Malachi 3:10 says, “‘Bring to the storehouse a full tenth of what you earn …. Test me in this,’ says the LORD All-Powerful. ‘I will open the windows of heaven for you and pour out all the blessings you need’” (NCV). The storehouse is the temple or the place where you worship God.
✍When are you supposed to tithe? You do it on the day you worship. The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 16:2, “On every Lord’s Day each of you should put aside something from what you have earned during the week, and use it for this offering. The amount depends on how much the Lord has helped you earn”(TLB). When you give to God on the first day of the week, the first part of your day, and the first part of your money, then you say to him, “You’re really number one in my life.” Notice that the verse says “put aside.” You’ve got to plan this! Tithing should not be an impulsive thing. You’ve got to plan for it so that you are honoring God’s plan and purpose for tithing. Then, you can watch how God blesses and uses you and honors his promise in your life.
đŸ€”As you apply the principle of tithing, May you walk under open Heaven. May the Lord protect and preserve all that belongs to you. May you walk in grace of abundance in Jesus Name. Amen🙏🙏🙏



By Apostle Gift Sira.




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