About Devotionals
From the moment your eyes open to the last minute of the day, your life is filled with nonstop action. If you aren’t careful you can become so overwhelmed in meeting the demands of life that you forget to spend time with your Creator and Sustainer. Our daily devotionals written specifically for you in all walks and stages of life, will change the outlook of your day and give you the inspiration you need! Spending any amount of quiet time in the Word of God will refresh and encourage. Find a Bible devotion here and see how God can work through you to make today a joyful day!
Daily Devotionals
Knowing Your True Identity Guides Your Prioritie – Part Four
Grace and peace to you. Here is the word for today 📖Hebrews 11:27 says, “It was by faith that Moses left the land of Egypt, not fearing the king’s anger. He kept right on going because he kept his eyes on the one who is invisible” (NLT). ✅Yesturday we saw that when...
Knowing Your True Identity Guides Your Prioritie – Part Three
Shalom beloved family of God. Here is the word for today. 📖It was by faith that Moses left the land of Egypt, not fearing the king’s anger. He kept right on going because he kept his eyes on the one who is invisible” (Hebrews 11:27 NLT).📖 ✅Knowing Your True Identity...
Knowing Your True Identity Guides Your Prioritie – Part Two
Grace and peace to you . Here is the word for today 📖He regarded disgrace for the sake of Christ as of greater value than the treasures of Egypt, because he was looking ahead to his reward” (Hebrews 11:26 NIV).📖 ✅His true identity helped him define his...
Knowing Your True Identity Guides Your Prioritie – Part One
💒Shalom beloved family of God. Here is the word for today.💒 📖[Moses] regarded disgrace for the sake of Christ as of greater value than the treasures of Egypt, because he was looking ahead to his reward” (Hebrews 11:26 NIV).📖 ✅Moses was born a Hebrew slave but was...
The mysteries for Greatness in God’s kingdom – Part Five
Grace and peace to you. Here is the word for today. 📖2 Timothy 2:15 Study and be eager and do your utmost to present yourself to God approved (tested by trial), a workman who has no cause to be ashamed, correctly analyzing and accurately dividing [rightly handling and...
The mysteries for Greatness in God’s kingdom – Part Four
Shalom beloved family of God. Here is the word for today. 📖 Luke 22:42 Saying, Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done. [KJV]📖 ✅ALIGNING OURSELF TO GOD'S SOVEREIGN WILL is another key to greatness in God's...
The mysteries for Greatness in God’s kingdom – Part Three.
Grace and peace to you. Here is the word for today 📖Proverbs 22:29 Seest thou a man diligent in his business? he shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean [men].📖 ✍DILIGENCE is another key that unlock greatness and activates the covenant of greatness....
The mysteries for Greatness in God’s kingdom – Part Two
Shalom beloved family of God. Here is the word for today. “📖For unto you it is given to know the secrets of the kingdom of God” Luke 8:10📖 ✍OBEDIENCE is one of the keys that unlock greatness and activates the covenant of greatness. Obedience simply means...
The mysteries for Greatness in God’s kingdom – Part One
Grace and peace to you. Here is the word for today 📖Matthew 13:11 He replied, “You are permitted to understand the secrets of the Kingdom of Heaven, but others are not. 12 To those who listen to my teaching, more understanding will be given, and they will have an...
Shalom beloved family of God. Here is the word for today. 📖Proverbs 3:5-6. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and don’t lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight.”📖 ✅To challenge your boundaries...
Grace and peace to you. Here is the word for today 📖The Bible says in James 1:6-7 “Anyone who doubts or wavering is like a wave on the sea, blown up and down by the wind. They should not think they will receive anything from the Lord.”📖 ✅To challenge your boundaries...
Shalom beloved family of God. Here is the word for today. 📖Genesis 13:14 “And the Lord said unto Abraham after that Lot was separated from him, lift up now thine eyes and look from the place where thou art”.📖 ✅To challenge your boundaries this year, you need to see...