Shalom beloved family of God. Here is the word for today.
📖Genesis 13:14 “And the Lord said unto Abraham after that Lot was separated from him, lift up now thine eyes and look from the place where thou art”.📖
âś…To challenge your boundaries this year, you need to see beyond your current situation. You need to see beyond your limitations and failures of last year, you need to see with the eye of faith. You can posses as far you can see .
âś…What we are and what we may become depends in a large measure upon what we can see or envision and what we see depends upon whether our visibility is high or low. In life, what you see is very important. Equally crucial is how you see what you see. You are not bigger than your vision. What you see may be the limit of where you can go.
âś…How powerful is your spiritual sight? How effective are your eyes to see into the realm of the spirit? Hebrews 11:27 states that it is possible to see the invisible through faith. As a child of God, you can strengthen the power of your sight by drawing closer to God, and walking In the Spirit regularly.
✍ May the lord sharpen your vision this year, the far you see , may you possess it in the Name of Jesus Christ. 🙏🙏
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