Therefore be a leader who is a good steward of God’s word and work 2Timothy 2:2

“An informed leader is a deformed leader”

The Bible say people perish because of lack of knowledge and wisdom. Therefore for that reason, we must arm the church with knowledge and wisdom to fight ignorance and bring back the people we’ve lost as a result of archaic methodologies!

Times are continuously changing and God’s people too must change with it, while maintaining our walk with God!   Old methods and thought patterns must be updated so that the church can lead people of purpose into their God ordained destiny. EKGIM ministry is committed to enable all Christians and church leaders be empowered, refreshed and equipped for the future.

God wants every church and its leadership to be effective, relevant and influential, which is His first instinct plan which must be fulfilled to equip saints for the work of ministry.

What we are doing as EKGIM ministry is obedience to the command stated inMathew.28:19-20, How do we obey this command? Is by empowering believers, pastors, leaders and missionaries through teaching and training and thus making disciples.

Our programs are designed in such a way that it integrates various aspects of one’s faith and life, to be effective communicator of God’s love to small groups, churches and mission agencies in their context.  We encourage church leaders to practice addition and multiplication style of leadership and training. Emulating Paul as he instructed his son Timothy.

Paul said in 2Timothy.2:2. “And the things that you have heard from me among many witness, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also” Therefore be a leader who is a good steward of God’s word and work.

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