Jun 15, 2020 | Devotional | 0 comments

Shalom beloved family of God. Here is the word for today.

Key Verse: “O Lord Almighty, blessed is the man who trusts in you.” (Psalm 84:12 )

The word “blessed” means “happy”, so here is a divinely inspired prescription for happiness or blessed life. There are ingredients in this prescription leading to a blessed life.

The truth is, there are secrets behind every conquest or achievement in life. Nothing happens without a trigger; there can be no effect without a cause. In the same manner, there are secrets of every genuine blessed life, and that is God Himself.

1. The RECOGNITION OF GOD in your life determines your life’s happiness.

✅The fundamental reason for all the unhappiness in the world is that God is left out of the lives of men and women. Look up Psalm 14:1, and note that what ““the fool”” really says is “…“…no God for me!”” How different was the experience of the psalmist, for in this one psalm he addresses God by five names:-

(1) He is ““the Lord Almighty”” (verses 1, 3,). Compare Psalms 24:10; 46:11 and Malachi 3:17. This title for the Lord, which in Hebrew is ““Jehovah Sabaoth””, tells us of His great POWER.

(2) He is “the living God”” (verse 2). What a wonderful title this is! He is alive and active on behalf of His children. Many today are worshipping a “” dead”” God, many in heathen lands and, alas, many in “civilized” lands. Look up 1 Timothy 6:17 (KJV), and note that this title for the Lord tells us of His PROVISION.

(3) He is ““my King and my God”” (verse 3). The psalmist recognized Him as King of kings. Compare Isaiah 6:5; Philippians 2:9; Colossians 1:18, and you will see that these verses tell us of His PRE-EMINENCE.

(4) He is “the God of Jacob”” (verse 8). Not the God of Abraham, Moses or Elijah, but Jacob, the ““supplanter”” who became ““a prince with God”” (Genesis 32:28 [KJV])! This title for the Lord tells us of His PURPOSE, for it is His will for each one of us that Jacob self-life should go and that we should be ““more than conquerors”” (Romans 8:37).

(5) He is “God our shield”” (verses 9 and 11). Here, of course, we have a title for God which reminds us of His PROTECTION.


✅Psalm 84:2-3. He even envies the birds because they had made their nests and reared their families in the house of the Lord! Do we yearn after Him like this? What do we desire most of all, and what are we living for and setting our affections upon? Look up the words of the Lord Jesus recorded in Matthew 5:6. Multitudes of men and women are hungering and thirsting after worldly pleasure, in which there is no satisfaction. See what the psalmist rightly says in verse 10, for it is better to have the lowest place in the household of faith than the highest out of it. Look up Psalm 16:11.

↪ No one can recognize and desire God in their lives and is not blessed or successful in life. LET it be Our Secret from now onwards in Jesus’ Name. 🙏🙏🙏


By Apostle Gift Sira.


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