Dec 9, 2020 | Devotional | 0 comments

Shalom beloved family of God. Here is the word for today.

📖Ephesians 2:6 For He raised us from the dead along with Christ and seated us with Him in the heavenly realms because we are united with Christ Jesus. [NLT] ;John 3:31 He who comes from above is above all. He who is of the earth belongs to the earth and speaks in an earthly way. He who comes from heaven is above all.[ESV]📖

✅I would like you understand with me in line with these above verses that, though we are in this world, our placement as Christians are in the heavenlies because that is what God did and said. And because we are from heaven and not from this world, you are above all limitations, oh hallelujah.

✅ God never set limitations for His children as it concerns living a blessed and successful life. As long as you belong to the family of God, Jesus Christ being your saviour and Lord by reason of salvation and baptism with the Holy Spirit, you carry the potential to rise and overcome any form of limitation. If you are struggling with a sinful nature as a believer and you don’t know how to come out of it, or your spiritual life is not growing as you desire, I want you get this very clearly, that every form of limitation, including those that involve your marriage, ministry, business, career and so on can be conquered if only you can believe God and His word.

✅Let me submit it to us that there are no limitations anywhere, human minds is what limits them. That is why Paul instructs us in 1Cor 2:14-16 to make our mind the spiritual mind, because the natural mind cannot comprehends the things of God. I like us to know that, it’s only the man who is operating with the natural mind that can be limited, but if you possess the spiritual mind, nothing, I mean absolutely nothing can ever limit your advancement in life.

✅Jesus Christ in His human form was never limited all through His life and ministry on earth. Despite of the fact that He was born in manger, His father being a carpenter, the rejection by His own people, and the oppositions – He fulfilled His purposes. Paul also was always on top of every situation during his ministry: He was put in prison, yet he wrote a very good percentage of the New Testament. The list is endless of those who rose above limitations to become who God wants them to be. You too can join this list today.


🛐🛐🛐May the LORD grant you the grace to surmount every form of limitations, obstacles and difficulties. By the virtue of your heavenly position, let all those limitations be your ladder to higher heights. May the almighty God take you to realms you never expected in Jesus Name. 🙏🙏🙏


By Apostle Gift Sira.


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