Men’s Ministry

EKGIM ministry is dedicated to helping men discover their identity as per God’s plan. We help them to be as godly as God calls us to be. We have realized that in many families and churches, men are driven away from the positions and the roles they are supposed to play.

Women’s Ministry

The ministry centers around meeting both spiritual and physical needs of Christian women. Helping them to grow in their faith in Jesus Christ, the women’s ministry exist to serve women and to teach them how to minister to others.

Youth’s Ministry

We strongly invest in empowering youths, by training them to be useful in the kingdom of God. We do encourage them to serve God in the days of their youths and as well be helpful to their parents and their communities.

Married’s Ministry

God from the beginning loved marriage and initiated the first marriage of its kind between Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. He blessed them and also gave them a duty to fulfill.

Singles Ministry

It’s never too late with God,
This is a group which comprises of single adults who are not married, single parents, widows, orphans and widowers. So often, people in this category feel very vulnerable as though God has forgotten them.


“An informed leader is a deformed leader”
The Bible say people perish because of lack of knowledge and wisdom. Therefore for that reason, we must arm the church with knowledge and wisdom to fight ignorance and bring back the people we’ve lost as a result of archaic methodologies!

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