Point the needle of your life in the right direction. part Three

Jul 31, 2019 | Devotional | 0 comments

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💒Grace* and peace to you . Here is the word for today💒

🔷Point the needle of your life in the right direction. part Three🔷

📖Exodus 23:2You must not follow the crowd in doing wrong. When you are called to testify in a dispute, do not be swayed by the crowd to twist justice.”📖
✍ We have the Crowd, found on the the right side which is East . The Crowd represents people we try to please, including peer pressure and our own desire to be accepted. Following the crowd you may feel good but it’s temporarily, and the ending is always destruction.
✍We crave for acceptance of others to such an extent that people can often do what they know to be wrong simply so that others will like them.

➡ But Exodus 23:2 reminds us, in blunt language, to avoid joining the crowd in wrongdoing. It calls us to right living and truthful speaking, no matter what the cost.

✍So what will help us to stand against the crowd, especially when it costs us socially? The clarity of the law surely assists our effort to be distinctive. But what makes an even greater difference is our desire to honor the Lord.
✍Don’t be swayed by what’s popular, not everything that is popular is proper. Rather, do that which God desires and pleases Him, no matter what others might think.
And God, by the Spirit dwelling within us, will empower us to follow, not the crowd, but Jesus.

✍Many times people have compromised on what they know to be right and true for the sake of their popularity . People are scared more about the approval of others than God’s approval.

QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION: To whom will you seek approval from, people or God?

🙏May the gracious God, help us follow Jesus Christ no matter what the cost. Give us courage to stand for the will of God when others oppose us. May our desire for God be stronger than our need for any human approval. Amen.🙏🙏🙏


By Apostle Gift Sira .

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