The Providential Preservation power of God. – PART THREE

Dec 23, 2019 | Devotional | 0 comments

Grace and peace to you .Here is the word for today.

📖 Isaiah 54:17 “No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD” 📖

✍A weapon is any object designed for fighting or attacking somebody. And it’s aim is to kill, destroy and still lives with possessions. The good news is that, these weapons are deformed and dysfunctional.

✅As it is in the physical so also it is in the spiritual. There are spiritual weapons also designed by witches, wizards or demonic agents to inflict pain and destruction on their victims. But the good news is that no weapon formed against you shall succeed

✅No weapon formed against you shall prosper’. God seems to be saying to you, ‘My child, the only conspiracy or gathering that can succeed against you is the one that was originated by Me. For as long as a conspiracy is not from Me, by Me or through Me, it is nothing to worry about, it cannot succeed against you.’ Hallelujah .

✅Relax, the gathering of your conspirators scattered even before they gathered. The meaning is, anytime someone tells you, ‘Do you know there is a gang up against you in your office; do you know there is a gang up against you in your village? Do you know there is a gang up against your life and destiny in the spirit world?’ Your response should be, if they were not gathered by God, they must scatter by fire. If God did not gather them, do not fear them; just exist and behave as if the devil does not exist.

✍Today, I prophesy that you shall exist above the reach of the enemy in this season and beyond. You shall live and walk with the consciousness that no weapon formed against you can succeed, no satanic, witchcraft, diabolic plot shall prevail. Your too fortified to be forced out of your life and destiny. Take refuge in the Lord, in Jesus’ Name. AMEN 🙏🙏🙏

By Apostle Gift Sira.

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