Feb 17, 2021 | Devotional | 0 comments

Ekgim daily devotion. Greetings of peace to you beloved family of God.

✅Faith sustains the joy and excitement of living (1Pet. 1:8; Phil. 1:25; Heb. 12:2)
Every time joy is lacking, it is either there is doubt,  fear, unbelief, discouragement or there is a lie of the devil. Faith is not the doctrine of a church, faith is an asset of life and destiny.
✍Faith-filled people are joyful people because they don’t walk by sight but faith, they know God is in charge, and by rejoicing they are obeying the command in  this Scripture. 1 Thessalonians 5:16 commands us to “always be joyful.” But how can we obey this when we can’t control our feelings? How can we actually be joyful always when we can’t create the feeling in a genuine, honest way? Well, short answer is, we can’t except with the help of the Holy Spirit.
✍When we understand that joy doesn’t come from our situations, from other people or from our emotions, we begin to grasp how joy is possible even when things aren’t going right. When we’re able to focus on God’s ultimate sovereignty over our lives, we even see how joy is possible when we’re waiting to hear from the Lord and He seems silent. Because we know joy comes from our soul and is a work of the Holy Spirit, we can even be joyful when we’re bearing the consequences of poor decisions.
✍ Here are some of the things joyful people have in common.
• They understand the difference between joy and happiness
• Every day they spend time praying and reading the Bible
• They trust and obey God and His word.
• Every day they practice gratitude
• They understand joy is a gift from God.
✍The object of our faith is more important than its certitude. It is better to have tenuous faith in the almighty God than resolute faith in a lie. Jesus said even a little faith in God is enough to move our mountains. We simply need to set aside our distrust, take God at His word, and act accordingly and we shall see God at work in your life in Jesus Name. Amen🙏🙏🙏



By Apostle Gift Sira.



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