Dec 22, 2020 | Devotional | 0 comments

Grace and peace to you. Here is the word for today.

📖Luke 2:19″ Mary treasured [the things God told her] and continued to think about them” (NCV) 📖

✍Mary, the young woman who became the mother of Jesus Christ. She showed wisdom beyond her years when she chose to believe God’s Word instead of her own fears. The Bible says. “Mary treasured [the things God told her”

✍Put yourself in Mary’s shoes. She was no older than 16 when an angel told her she would give birth to a son—even though she had never been with a man.

✍Imagine all the fears going through Mary’s mind:-

✅First, there was the fear of criticism.
Fear of criticism results in several psychological difficulties. Criticism, and the fear of it, robs us of self-esteem, minimizes our personal initiative, crumbles our sense of adequacy and power, takes away self-reliance, and generates many other negative effects and these things, Mary faced them.

✍In all this going on Mary’s life she decided to stay focused on the conclusion and her purpose, not the criticism. If we insist on being comfortable by avoiding the criticism of others, we will not fulfill the purpose that God has for us. Even though comfort and freedom from criticism is on our checklist, it’s not on God’s. His is a higher standard of virtue and redemption.

✍ When we fear criticism and are overly self-protective, we miss out on being a gift to others. You see, your purpose is not just about you; it’s about many people that God wants to influence and help through you. So if Mary did not trust God’s word beyond her years of criticism, the whole world was going to miss this great redemptive plan of God for humanity.

✍In case you are struggling with fear of criticism and self-protection, get alone with God and ask Him to give you the strength you need to move forward in your purpose in faith. And remember, you are living your life for the approval of God, not anybody. As you trust God’s word, 🛐🛐🛐May you arise above the fear of criticism and fulfil your God given assignment by the help of the Holy spirit in Jesus Name. Amen🙏🙏🙏


By Apostle Gift Sira.


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