Trusting God part Five.

Jun 12, 2020 | Devotional | 0 comments

Grace and peace to you. Here is the word for today.

📖Psalms 27:13 [What, what would have become of me] had I not believed that I would see the Lord’s goodness in the land of the living! 14 Wait and hope for and expect the Lord; be brave and of good courage and let your heart be stout and enduring. Yes, wait for and hope for and expect the Lord.[ AMP]📖

↪ Trusting in God is to believe in His goodness, waiting in hope and expectations of Him. David says that he would have despaired if he had not believed God’s goodness and he waited for the Lord.

↪ Do you wait for the Lord and ask Him first, to help you? If you are experiencing despair, discouragement, doubt I would suggest you do two things: REFOCUS. Take your eyes from the problem and try to remember what God has done for you so far. Count your blessings and thank God for them. HOPE. Hope is anticipation for God’s goodness. God wants you to enjoy His goodness in this land of the living, but you have to turn to Him in trust. It is the principle.

↪ Trusting in God comes with benefits, we experience a LIFE OF SUSTENANCE. HE meets our needs as our shepherd and we lack nothing. And We learn to live an of LIFE OF BALANCE when we trust in God. God teaches us how to relax when we are stressed. He makes us lie down in green pastures, He leads us beside quiet waters.

↪ Trusting in God means living a LIFE OF RESILIENCE. God replenish our strength when we are empty. He restores our soul. And also we live a LIFE OF GUIDANCE. God guides us when we are confused in the right path for His namesake.

↪ When we trust in God we live a LIFE OF CONFIDENCE. We know that God will walk with us in our dark and fearful days. Even though we walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
we fear no evil, for the LORD is with us. We also live a LIFE OF ASSURANCE. We know God will protect us when we feel insecure because His rod and staff, they comfort us.

↪ Trusting in God is to walk in a LIFE OF INFLUENCE. God shows His favor, grace in our lives. He prepares a banquet for us in front of our enemies causing us to experience a LIFE OF ABUNDANCE because He anoints our head with oil and our cup-life overflows.

↪ When we trust in God, we live a LIFE OF BENEVOLENCE because surely His goodness and mercy will follow us all the days of our lives
and we shall enjoy the INHERITANCE OF THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN. God will take us to His Kingdom in Heaven for eternal Life and we shall dwell in His house forever.

🤔 I think everyone needs what God has to offer. But we receive all that God can offer when we totally trust in Him and His word.
May we trust Him for stability, for security, for acceptance, for strength, for provision, for wisdom, for ability, and for good health in Jesus’ Name. Amen 🙏🙏🙏.


By Apostle Gift Sira.


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